We are Harvest Bible Fellowship Avila Beach. Harvest Bible Fellowship is a non-denominational Christian church in Avila Beach, CA. We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in the Avila Beach Community Center, which is nicely located in the heart of Avila Beach. We have Sunday School for kids and a Worship Service/Bible Studies for adults.
The address for the Community Center is 191 San Miguel Street. This section shows the official social media feeds for Harvest Bible Fellowship. We encourage you to connect with them. It’s not only a great way to keep up on what’s going on, but it’s a great way to connect and share any experiences you have had with them.
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805.627.1508 | 191 San Miguel Street | Avila Beach, CA 93423
Please use our website as a guide only. Dates, times, prices, and other info can be changed by the businesses at anytime and we might not be notified. Make sure to check with the business on any details listed here before making any permanent plans. Please feel free to email us with any questions. Thank you!